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Pandemonium PZRP uses a D20 centric dice-system based on the TTRPG, "Monster of the Week." Our system is focused on common-sense simplicity, while still aiming to cover and maintain interesting and unique mechanics.


Utilizing a D20 system introduces the element of chance, injecting unpredictability into the narrative. We here at Pandemonium prefer a dice system over other self-regulated equalizers because our dice system is intended to maintain balance by providing an unbiased arbiter for determining success or failure. In a "Rolling System" all players have an equal opportunity to influence the story; with modifiers to the skills that suit them best.


Every player is given 20 Skill Points to allot to their Character. These modifiers are character specific. When asked to roll in an event, the ED will generate a DC, or "Difficulty Class" that the player must meet to succeed. In cases such as this, modifiers represent the natural ability to succeed in that given skill.


In a D20 Dice System, "Advantage" and "Disadvantage" are mechanics used to introduce a level of realism, and the impact of favorable or unfavorable conditions based on a characters actions. When a character has Advantage, they roll twice and take the higher result, increasing the likelihood of success. Conversely, when a character has Disdvantage, they roll twice and take the lower result which makes success less likely.


Advantage and Disadvantage are often tied to situational factors, such as environmental factors, character abilities, or strategic choices.


For example, if an encumbered character is trying to climb over a slippery brick wall in the rain, they may be asked to roll Deft with Disadvantage to represent the difficulty of the task.

If multiple situations affect a roll and each one grants advantage or imposes disadvantage on it, you don't roll more than once. If two favorable situations grant advantage, for example, you still roll only once.


If circumstances cause a roll to have both advantage and disadvantage, you are considered to have neither of them.


In a D20 dice system, "Critical Success" and "Critical Failure" represent extreme outcomes that occur to a character when a player rolls exceptionally well or poorly. A Critical Success, often referred to as a "natural 20" happens when a player rolls a 20; resulting in the best possible outcome.


Success, however, is measured differently. In our combat system; a Critical Success ensures that your attack or action succeeds. In other contexts, a Critical Success only ensures the best possible outcome, not the most favorable.


For example, if I roll a Critical Success with the goal of persuading the leader of an NPC group to give all of their forces to me; the outcome of this will not be that I receive all of their forces. Instead, the leader of the group may offer to send backup with me to help me on my next difficult excursion, at a cost.

HOW TO use

Our Dice System is intended to be used during Combat Encounters, but also during everyday RP! Each skill has RP function, and we encourage Players to use these skills.


Spending time in the bar, and you want to do a fun sleight-of-hand trick to impress its patrons? Roll Deft, and base your response on the result of the roll!


Interacting with another character, and the conversation is getting too personal? Think of an action that would be very brash for your character to do, set a personal DC, and roll!



In day-to-day roleplay, there may be situations where a dice roll can be made. This is up to the discretion of the player, and the players they are with! Whether this be a roll for Resolve, to see how they may be handling themselves mentally, or a Charm roll to deliver a line or act as their empathy. Players are encouraged to use the dice as an accompaniment to their roleplay.


However! Please keep in mind you may not enforce dice rolls onto a player, if they do not consent to it. It is intended as a way to flavor your writing or leave it to chance. As it is a collaborative writing environment, remember to be mindful of your fellow players, and to communicate.


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Have any questions concerning our rules? Open a [NEED HELP?] ticket in #🩹ticket-central within our Discord!


Pandemonium [Project Zomboid RP]

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