There are three tiers of player groups on Pandemonium; Cohort, Faction, and Coalition. Each tier of player group has it's own requirements regarding; player-count, base size, proximity to a Haven, and the need for a "Purpose."
To start a player group, please have a member of Leadership open a [MANAGEMENT ONLY] ticket in 🩹ticket-central and fill the following template out;
Group Name: [Name & Faction Tag in-game.]
Group Member List: [Discord Usernames!]
Group Location: [Please provide a map screenshot and coordinates!]
(For Faction & Coalition) Purpose Statement:
Tiers | Members | Base Size | Location | Purpose |
Tier 3 | Coalition | 12+ | 1/8th of a Cell | Outside Haven. | YES. |
Tier 2 | Faction | 8-12 | 1/16th of a Cell | Outside Haven. | YES. |
Tier 1 |
Cohort | 3-5+ | Safehoused Building | Inside Haven. | NO. |
“Purpose” is the mission statement of a player group that lends itself as the group's primary purpose for existing. “Purpose” is something players will write when creating their group, and will define the groups IC motivations, ideals, and goals, and the group's OOC roleplay style, and community type. Management will need to ensure that group's ideas are relatively balanced, and ensure that there is an even makeup of group's motivations, ideals, and goals. No two groups should have the same “Purpose”.
When creating your groups Purpose statement, consider the following;
Within your group, how do members interact? Is their a hierarchy of members or any other structure?
How will your group interact with the world? The Virus, The Environment, etc.
How will your group interact with other Factions? (If applying for a Tier 2 Player Group.)
How will your group interact with other players? Are they antagonistic? Do they help players? If so, how?
When applying for a Player Group, staff may ask these questions individually to learn more about your Group, and to appropriately assign them as a Tier 1, 2, or 3 Player Group.
Tier 2 Factions are required to host a monthly world event to show that they are active and engaging with the server per their purpose statement. To read more about this requirement, click here.
In our world, large collections of people and things draw attention; the wrong kind.
Tier 1, 2, and 3 factions have different size requirements displayed below.
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 2
Factions that surpass this base size may be audited by BUILD TEAM.
A human, alone in the woods, becomes nothing more than a feral animal in a matter of days - lost, confused prey - at the mercy of creatures far higher up the food chain than them. The darkness between the trees is full of terror, and twenty-five years after the end, it takes a tribe to stay alive.
Havens are defined as a 2-cell diameter around a Faction base. “Havens” are areas of the map that are safe enough for single-players and cohorts to inhabit and freely exist in. Areas within Havens are the only places able to be safe-housed and claimed as single-player or cohort bases. Two factions may not exist in the same Haven.
Havens will be identified as Factions are established. Havens will be marked in the #ic-map channel, and any player may settle within one. The reigning Faction of the Haven has the right to bring in, or push out, characters of their choice.
This will be done explicitly in-character. Administration will not force players to move in, or out unless in the case of rule breaks. That is the responsibility of the reigning faction, faction leadership, and the players within it to uphold. If you feel that there is a situation that requires the judgement of staff, such as faction leadership or residential members treating others unfairly in an OOC manner, please open a [NEED HELP?] ticket to consult staff.
Faction leaders are integral members of our community, and have certain responsibilities that we expect them to upkeep!
Faction leaders are responsible for..
Openly communicating with staff through the #faction-liasion channel.
Telling staff when and who to give the appropriate faction roles.
Communicating with their faction members.
If you are the leader of a Tier 2 Faction, you must host one world event a month to be considered active and remain on the #ic-map. To read more about what this entails, read here.
Along with optionally being responsible for..
Coordinating their faction members to attend events.
Generating RP through #🌐ic-events-and-rumors for their faction.
Detailing their faction in #📬faction-info
Communicating with other faction leaders in the #faction-liasion channel during conflicts to keep RP enjoyable.
It is up to the Faction leader to decide how they wish to run their faction, and are the point of contact for staff when discussing things involving the faction.
Without faction members, there is no faction! Faction members are integral to the success of a faction, and should openly communicate with faction leadership as needed to solve (or start) conflict or otherwise engage in our server.